The healing music of pure quartz singing bowls

Have you ever heard the incredible sound of a quartz singing bowl? The gentle yet powerful sound literally sends vibrations throughout your body, evoking a sense of calm and relaxation to the mind and body. Singing bowls not only provide a soothing sound, they are designed to heal the body through their vibrational tones. Crystal […]
Meditation and Mindfulness

It’s not about becoming a better you… it’s about finding comfort and peace in who you are right now. A little less DOING, a little more BEING. Finding those moments that hold neither past nor future, good nor bad, ease nor effort. Those moments that just are. When you can just be. Meditation and mindfulness […]
Why should you exfoliate?

There’s a lot of talk about skin care and why it’s important to cover your basics which includes cleansing, toning and moisturising but why is it important to exfoliate? A facial exfoliant seems like a bit of a luxury product so is it really necessary? Exfoliating can instantly make your skin look and feel smoother […]
Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Me?

Day at the beach – swatting the air violently? Summer BBQ’s – just a feast for mosquitoes? Outdoor activities – leave you running indoors? We hear you. We’ve investigated why the humble mosquito is attracted to some people and not others. Why Do We Need Mosquitoes? Mosquitoes play a very important role in our environment. Mosquito larvae provide food […]
5 Ways to Connect to the Divine

Throughout every generation, collectively, we have all at some point in our lives looked up to the skies and wondered, Who’s looking out for me up there? Who’s watching over my family? Who else is guiding my path? And when the going gets tough, we look up and ask; If there is anything in this […]
An Apple A Day: keeps wrinkles at bay

A staple of fruit bowls everywhere, the humble apple also happen to be a powerful source of skin-saving magic. When apple extract is used in skincare, the rich nutritional profile of this common fruit has far-reaching benefits. From protecting against free radical damage, brightening skin and keeping large pores taut and toned, here are some […]
Spiritual Cleansing in the Hoodoo Tradition

Spiritual cleansing is a process by which we clean ourselves, our home, or our things. There are many reasons to do a spiritual cleansing. After you have done work that is particularly negative, or you were around harmful energy in some way. Perhaps you have a build-up of negative energy on you from your dealing […]
Adding hygge to your life

Hygge seems to be the big buzzword of 2017. Surely the Danes find it all quite amusing, after all they’ve been living and breathing hygge for years, and many of the words they use to describe relaxing or chilling out, use hygge within the word. There is no exact translation, but roughly speaking it means […]
The power of daily rituals

The word “ritual” generally brings up connotations of the rites of passage and religious practices. However, a ritual can be as simple as brushing your teeth after every meal, drinking a coffee or going for a jog every morning. Implementing positive rituals into your life can bring about amazing success and change, in a very […]
4 simple steps to resolve heel pain

Plantar heel pain or heel spur syndrome is a very common condition. Heel pain is often suffered or experienced when weight is placed on the heel after a period of rest. This can be especially prevalent when getting out of bed in the morning. Here are 4 simple steps to help you resolve your heel […]