14-16 February 2025
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

10 questions you should ask when engaging in a building designer

Day at the beach – swatting the air violently? Summer BBQ’s – just a feast for mosquitoes? Outdoor activities – leave you running indoors? We hear you. We’ve investigated why the humble mosquito is attracted to some people and not others.

Why Do We Need Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes play a very important role in our environment. Mosquito larvae provide food and vital nutrients for aquatic creatures. Adult mosquitoes are a food source for birds, bats and spiders.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

Male mosquitoes are harmless to humans and feed off flower nectar. Female mosquitoes are the ones who bite, as they need human blood to develop fertile eggs.

The mosquito has a mouthpart called a proboscis, which resembles a needle. She uses it to pierce your skin and probe around until she finds a capillary and sucks in some of your blood! She also injects some of her own saliva, which stops your blood from clotting.

Everyone reacts differently to mosquito bites. At best, they can be red and itchy… at worst they could develop into big welts or transmit serious diseases.

Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Some People and Not Others?

To a mosquito, humans are big, slow and smelly beasts. New research has found that mosquitoes are attracted to the different smells humans emit. These smells are;

  1. Carbon Dioxide
  2. Body Odour
  3. Secretions
  4. Certain Blood Types (Type O and B)
  5. Lactic Acid

Researchers at The American Mosquito Control Association are yet to determine the combinations of these smells that mosquitoes are most attracted to. What we do know is that genetics account for 85% of our susceptivity to mosquito bites. Another thing you can blame your mum for!


So How Can We Protect Ourselves from Mosquitoes?

  1. Use MosQuit products (which contain 100% Natural Oils including, Citronella Oil) to make yourself invisible to mosquitoes
  2. Keep covered
  3. Avoid going outdoors in the early morning
  4. Avoid going outdoors late at night

When in swampy, wooded or shaded areas – take your MosQuit pack on your travels for maximum protection