15-17 November 2024
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Psychic Reading Room

Psychic Readers: What does life have in store for you? Gain insights into your love life, career, finances and relationships with the very best in tarot, clairvoyance, mediumship, astrology and more!


Standard Reading – 25 minutes: $55 inc. GST

Extended Reading – 50 minutes: $110 inc. GST (You must select 2 x consecutive timeslots)

Pre-bookings are only available for the 10am & 10.30am sessions, and will close on Tuesday 12 November at 9am.
All other bookings will be made at the Festival and these are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. We suggest arriving early to secure your preferred booking.

Next Festival



Sat & Sun

Clairsentience, Tarot

Catherine combines her gift of Clairsentience with the wisdom of the Tarot. She specialises in helping others to find their path, understand the steps to reach their goals, and identify blockages that might be holding them back. Current and past clients have worked successfully with her in handling family and personal relationships, finding a new career direction, or simply gaining clarity around a situation so they can move forward. Catherine has worked with the Tarot for over 25 years, and is a former Secretary of the Tarot Guild of Australia.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.




Tarot, Oracle Cards, Clairsentience

Angela has been reading the Tarot since the age of 16 and she sees the cards’ ancient symbols like keys that can unlock true potential, heal, or guide you to make wise choices. By tuning onto the art and imagery of the Tarot, words and feelings come to her that can take you on a journey of self-discovery, leading to a place of self-knowledge and then self-empowerment. As a collector of tarot decks, Angela has a passion for both art and the Tarot, and she is a Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Tarot, Clairsentience, Oracle Cards

Thais' spiritual spark was ignited over 40 years ago when her Aunt read the Gypsy Tarot for her, and her life-long exploration into the esoteric world followed soon after. She works with her spirit guides to focus on the areas of life you'd like to look into. Thais has been a Professional Member of the Tarot Guild of Australia for several years, and has been reading for over 20 years. With an absolute passion for Tarot, Thais now teaches the subject at the University of the Third Age (U3A).

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Channelling, Oracle Cards

The spiritual world has always been a part of Bianca's life. As a professional Psychic Intuitive reader, she knows that providing spiritual guidance, love and support are her true calling and purpose. Bianca can focus on your specific questions, or provide a general reading, knowing that Spirit will always give the most important messaging. Sometimes passed loved ones will come with messages as well. And she uses Oracle Cards to confirm and expand on the information coming through. Bianca loves what she does as it uplifts others, opening their mind to thoughts, ideas, and knowings that they didn't realise they had within them.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Tarot, Numerology

Joelle loves working with the spirit world and is passionate about empowering her clients to create a positive, exciting future, filled with hope. During her reading, she uses Psychometry (holding a personal object), the Rider-Waite Tarot and Numerology to tune into your life's issues and if relevant to your reading, past lives can come up too. Joelle has trained in and worked with numerous healing techniques for over 20 years and has also been doing readings for over 10 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Tarot, Oracle Cards

From a young age Perry was connecting with the world on a spiritual level, the doorway being opened after a visit to a Buddhist Temple at 11. During his teens, he started to study the Tarot and a broad range of other intuitive sciences, leading him to begin doing readings for others. When using the Tarot and Oracle Cards, he gets strong flashes of images, feelings, sounds or words to further the information he is passing on, and these messages can come from spirit guides, loved ones, or even deities. He still uses his first Tarot deck which is now over 20 years old.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Palmistry

Angelica's first experience of her gift was as a child when she began to sense auras and learnt about Palmistry, Astrology and Tarot. She combines these skills to tune into your energy, including reading your guides, soulmates, family destiny and karma. Her readings often specialise in future guidance in relationship and business areas and they are channeled, intuitive, and empathetic. She has written a book on Goddess Signs and is also a lecturer and counsellor in metaphysical subjects and psychic development. Angelica has been practicing in this field for 30 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Crystal Ball

Lillian began developing her "Third Eye" as a teenager and since then has had over 35 years of teaching psychic development and various forms of meditation. This personal journey has served to deepen her own dedication and commitment to assisting others towards greater self-awareness, to facilitate their personal growth and the realisation of their fullest potential. Along with the Tarot and her Crystal Ball, Lillian also works on "name vibrations" and photo analysis, tuning in to the name or face of a person and passing on impressions. Spirit guidance comes through Clairaudience and Clairvoyance, and information is also received through mental impresses and her other senses.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

Bec is a fourth-generation Psychic Medium who chose to work professionally with Spirit in the early 1990's after her grandfather appeared to her after his passing. Since then Bec has worked continuously to master her gifts. In your reading, she works with both the Psychic and Medium elements of Spirit, and she'll ask who you want to connect with, and then works with her guides to give evidence of how they lived and relay any messages from them. Bec also runs Mediumship development circles, has been practicing for 30 years and is known as The Australian Psychic Barber.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Tarot, Oracle Cards, Claircognizance

Susan has been an intuitive-sensitive for as long as she can remember and was strongly drawn to become a lightworker in her late teens. In your reading, she uses a variety of Tarot and Oracle Card decks to set a framework for where you're at, and where you're heading, and combines this with all of her Clair senses to explore your life's situations, desires and challenges in a deeply personal and compassionate way. Psychometry and Numerology can also be used if requested. Susan has been using and studying the Tarot for 40 years and is also a Reiki Master and Tuning Fork practitioner.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Italian Playing Cards, Channelling

Roberta was taught how to read cards by travelling gypsies when she was 6 years old. When she picked up the cards again as an adult, everything came back to her and she has been reading them ever since. The Italian playing cards are laid out to show the past, present and next 12 months and Roberta also uses her guides and yours to pick up energetically on where you're at and what's around you. She also uses the tone and feeling of your voice to tune in on any challenges. Roberta has been reading for over 20 years and can also speak Italian if required.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Mediumship

Simone is a straightforward and honest reader who doesn't use any tools to channel spirit to receive the specific guidance that is required for every client. She offers general readings or readings on specific topics and provides time for any questions you may have at the end. Often loved ones will come through to give messages as well. Her readings will bring through parts of the past, present and future and are never sugar coated. Simone is frequently told her readings are also healing, and she has been practicing for over 20 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship

As an energetic healer, Zoe works with a combination of feelings, images, and words which are channeled by her spirit guides to help clarify and provide guidance for her clients. She can access the spirit world so her clients can speak to their loved ones. Her goal is to allow her clients to live their best life, and to provide motivation and support to realise their full potential in all areas. Zoe has been reading professionally for over 20 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Tarot

Mya has been reading for nearly 25 years and combines Clairvoyance, Mediumship and Tarot to soul connect with you, your future and connect with those who have passed over. Her visual and auditory psychic impressions and messages come to you with love, compassion, empathy and understanding and are delivered in a direct and honest way. Also having a background in Kinesiology, Mya works with you to facilitate change and to intuitively unravel psychic and energetic blocks that are no longer serving you.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.

Michelle R.


Fri & Sat

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Mediumship

Michelle has been working with Spirit for most of her life and her specialities include Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Tarot and Angel cards, Numerology, spiritual counseling and dream interpretation. Your reading with Michelle starts with Psychometry (holding an object eg. jewellery) and channelling what messages come through with the goal of giving you the tools needed to gain clarity and a sense of who you are and where you're heading. Michelle has been reading professionally for over 20 years, teaches yoga and meditation, is a Reiki healer and a Feng Shui consultant.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Mediumship

In your reading with Geraint, he uses the Celtic Tarot Deck, and also uses his psychic and shamanic abilities to support your soul to live an incredible life, with great success, joy and clarity of purpose. He is able to read your energy (with permission of course) to confirm what opportunities and possibilities are on offer, what might be blocking your path, and how to clear the way. In the mix of the reading, a passed loved one may pass on a message, or a particular spirit guide or animal guide may come through to share some words of wisdom. Geraint's spiritual practice is based around the teachings and lived experience of Australian Aboriginal and Celtic Shamanism, and he has over 30 years' experience as a reader and healer.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairsentience, Tarot, Psychometry, Astrology

Kerry is originally from Ireland and is from the Irish Celtic tradition. She uses a range of tools including Astrology, Psychometry, and numerous decks of cards to deliver messages from Spirit. Having done platform work at Spiritual Churches in Adelaide, messages from departed loved ones may also come through if relevant to the reading. Kerry has been a qualified Astrologer and giving psychic readings since 1996, and also runs spiritual development workshops. Her goal is to assist clients to understand the part they play in the creation of their own reality.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

Coming from a family with a long line of psychic women, Danielle has had the gift of reading for as long as she can remember. Starting each reading using nothing other than your name, she uses her Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience to pick up on the most relevant information for your question and then combines this with the Tarot and Oracle Cards. Danielle also teaches Yoga and Meditation, and is qualified in Reiki, crystal healing, and Personal Training.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Psychometry

Helen describes herself as a Seer, incorporating the abilities of a Psychic, a Medium and all the "Clairs" in her readings, depending on how Spirit chooses to work with her. She calls in her client's angels, guides, teachers and loved ones to work with and receive information Spirit feels is what they need at that moment. Over the years Helen has come to learn Spirit is always right, they remember everything that we may not, and are aware of your life challenges. She uses The Legacy of the Divine tarot deck and has over 30 years experience in this field.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Psychometry, Oracle Cards

From an early age, Nicole started searching for answers to the meaning of life, and she discovered she had a natural affinity for many holistic therapies, especially massage. With a strong empathic nature and psychic vision, she is able to see, hear, and feel in various forms. Nicole uses psychometry (holding an object) and also can connect with passed loved ones. She brings much compassion, love and understanding to her sessions and has been reading and healing for over 15 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

Emily received her psychic gifts from her mother's English and Irish lineage, growing up in a family where spiritual encounters and communication with spirit was a regular part of life. She works with her spirit guides combined with all of her "clairs" in a loving and healing manner to bring through messages from passed loved ones, always for the greater good of all involved. Emily has been professionally reading for six years and feels blessed to help others on their own personal and unique journey to find a sense of purpose and empowerment. She also runs psychic mediumship classes in Melbourne.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Tarot, Clairsentience, Clairaudience

Yvette uses the Tarot as a medium to guide you through life’s challenges by focusing your reading on this lifetime and making it work in the now. Her psychic impressions come to her through feeling, or through the sound of your voice and she uses the Tarot to illustrate and relate her impressions. With a practical style, her skills are best used in decision making, helping you get back on track, or for unblocking and healing psychological or emotional issues. Yvette is a Reiki Master who has also studied crystal healing, Aromatic Medicine and Kinesiology and has been reading for 25 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Oracle Cards

Brigitte picks up energy from your first name and Psychometry (holding a piece of jewellery), as well as the Angel Oracle cards, then gets visions (Clairvoyance) like a photo in her mind's eye. As a medical intuitive, she can feel where the pain is and works to empower you to clarify decisions that need to be made, without giving out specific medical advice. Working a lot on the telephone, she can also read photos if you have any. Brigitte also practices Reiki and has been reading for over 15 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.


Blue Mountains

All days

Intuitive Oracle Card Readings

Having left secondary teaching in 2012 after 33 years, Leon now walks the path of inspiring others to discover and utilize their own talents and gifts. With compassion, empathy and integrity, he uses a variable number of cards from a variety of Oracle Card decks representing the past, present and possible future. Along with his Clairsentience, intuitive and NLP skills, he helps bring about a greater understanding of your life's issues and challenges plus outlines a possible course of action to take after the reading. Leon is also a qualified Life Coach and Mentor, Angel Intuitive and Master NLP and Reiki Level 1 and 2 Practitioner.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Auras

Brita's Mythic Tarot deck has been with her for more than twenty years and she believes we all have free will so the future is in our hands. She starts with a spiritual overview, a general reading for the next 12 months, and then separate layouts for work, relationships, health and anything else. The information may come to her via mental images, words, emotions, physical sensations, and passed loved ones may come in with a message. The Tarot provides a visual focus to give more information, timing and clarity. Brita has worked as a psychic reader since 1997 and is also an artist and novelist.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Sat & Sun

Claircognizance, Tarot, Oracle Cards

Cosette's philosophy is that tarot readings should be heart-centred and focused on empowering you to take control of your own life and make decisions that align with your highest good. Her style of reading can be described as having claircognizance-flashes of inspiration, sudden insights, and a knowingness. In her readings, she combines her knowledge of tarot, symbolism, Jungian analysis, with her intuition and connection to the spirit world to interpret the cards and provide guidance. She has been reading and studying the Tarot for almost 30 years and also speaks Spanish if required.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Psychometry, Past Lives

Gerry's psychic impressions come to her in various ways, including clairvoyantly (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), clairaudiently (hearing), by reading your auric field, as well as tuning in to your spirit guides. The Tarot cards speak to her and simply trigger this wisdom and knowledge to help empower you to make positive changes in your life. She has over 30 years experience in this field, having taught and facilitated many courses and is passionate about her work, considering it a privilege to read for others and to be of service.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Psychometry

Sarah is a second generation medium and healer who began assisting in healings, meditations and trance work when she was 13. She uses telepathic mediumship to connect with guides and loved ones who have passed over to gain insights into any areas of concern in your life. Working initially with her own guides, she is also often given pictures and knowledge of a past life which may be influencing a current situation. Sarah is Minister and Celebrant at the spiritualist church in Upper Coomera and has been practicing as a medium, reader and healer for 35 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.


Gold Coast

All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

Originally from New Zealand, Sandy has a spiritual lineage rich with healers and readers so she has always had a fascination with the esoteric. With a soft and sensitive nature, Sandy is an empath and uses the Rider-Waite Tarot along with her Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience to see and feel your issues on every level. The Australian Bush Flower Insight cards are also used which often illuminate and confirm the emotional issues present in a reading. Becoming a professional reader 30 years ago was a life-changing event and she feels blessed to witness the miracles that occur when working with Spirit on a daily basis.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.

Katie E.



Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Oracle Cards

Katie describes herself as being like a cosmic telephone. She taps into the wisdom of your guides and Angels using all her 'Clairs', intuitively reading the Goddess Oracle Cards and communicating with her guides to assess your energetic imprint. With a background in the corporate world, her people skills and problem solving skills give a grounded approach to your reading. Katie has been psychic as long as she can remember, with one of her earliest memories being an out-of-body experience at age 6.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Fri & Sat

Tarot, Oracle Cards, Clairsentience, Claircognizance

With a calming, positive, and direct reading style, Micah is a naturally gifted Intuitive who channels the Divine from a deep centre of compassion, integrity and wisdom. She uses a combination of Tarot, Oracle, Angel, and Colour Cards along with all her Clairs to answer your questions about all areas of your life, empowering you to make the best choices. Micah can offer insights into your soul's journey, as well as practical and grounded advice for day-to-day living. She is also an Angel Intuitive, Music Teacher, and has facilitated Personal Development workshops for people experiencing mental health issues.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairaudience, Palmistry, Tarot, Numerology

Deb has been clairaudient and able to read palms since she was a child, and now reads the Tarot, palms and Numerology from an instinctual/feeling place, beyond the mind. She reads your palm lines, hand shape and size, finger’s length, flexibility and fingernails to reveal your various strengths and weaknesses in your journey through this life. Deb considers it a sacred honour to read for you and assist you to access your own guidance, wisdom and intuition. She also teaches Tarot, yoga and meditation and has been reading professionally for over 30 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairsentience, Tarot, Palmistry, Mediumship

Trish uses her guides and your guides, along with other tools (Tarot, Palmistry, Mediumship) to receive messages by Clairvoyance and Clairsentience. If messages from passed loved ones come through, they come as a feeling of the physical appearance of the person and places or things they liked to do as proof of life after death, rather than as a tool for telling the future. Trish has 20 years’ experience as a professional reader and also works with Crystal Healing, Reiki and Feng Shui.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Tarot, Numerology

Kaz has been interested in esoteric studies across the board for over 25 years and has been reading professionally for over 10 years. Numerology is used to help you to improve upon the gifts you were born with, and to strengthen those that you weren't. The Rider-Waite Tarot are used for guidance in your future endeavours, hopes, and dreams. Kaz believes we always have two paths to choose from, and in her readings she aims for you to feel exhilarated, content, and happy knowing that you're on the right path.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



Fri & Sat

Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Palmistry, Tarot

Intuitive guidance and healing comes naturally to Caroline as she taps into your life's journey vacuuming up blockages allowing you to feel lighter, freer, and able to make better choices. She uses the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot to open up past, present and future life themes, Palmistry to show the traits you were born with and a blueprint of your personality, and she can also pick up vibrations from a photo or a piece of jewellery, or connect with a passed loved one if their spirit comes through. Caroline has been reading for over 30 years and researching the metaphysical and paranormal for over 40 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.


Mornington Peninsula

All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Channelling

To start your reading, Edith tunes into her guides to bring in messages and uses the Tarot as well to open doors to the psyche. Through her Clairaudience (hearing messages) and Clairvoyance (seeing pictures in her minds eye), she can give you clarity on your path. She also receives messages from spirits of people who have passed on. Edith has known she has had this ability all her life and started to actively do this work around 20 years ago through an experience of a spirit energy in her home.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Tarot, Psychometry, Past Lives

During your reading, Linda uses the Tarot in a clear cut spread as a base and combines this with her intuition, Clairvoyance and communication with your guides to provide you with clear answers and guidance. Since the late 1970's, she has dedicated her life to being of service as a lightworker and since then she has developed her reading and healing skills by studying an extensive range of modalities. Linda feels it is a divine privilege to have worked with so many people over the years and see the healing shift that can occur as people are guided on their questions and catalysed to their highest potential.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Oracle Cards

Shelley has been a medium for as long as she can remember, and has been reading cards and utilising her clairvoyance for over 20 years. Most of her psychic impressions come from mental images (Clairvoyance) and feelings (Clairsentience). She uses a variety of decks of cards, and asks the client to choose 2 decks, and this will usually focus on the present and the following 6 months. Generally Shelley also gets messages throughout the reading from passed family members or friends.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.



All days

Clairsentience, Tarot, Oracle Cards, Channelling

From early childhood, Rachael was immersed in the wonders of the Universe, mythology, and magic. While her mother gave her Tarot cards, her father gave her a crystal ball for scrying, and playing cards, which she still uses today. As an empath, Rachael channels information through for you as she sees and feels your energies, and she also uses the Tarot and Oracle Cards in a unique and personalised way. By picking up on sensations in her body, she is able to get to core issues that may be holding you back. Rachael is also a Reiki Master, distant healing practitioner, and loves to work with colours and crystals.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.

Kate D.


All days

Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Palmistry

Coming from a long line of mediums, and with her mother as her greatest teacher, Kate has been communicating with spirit since the age of five when she first started dreaming the future. She is an evidential medium who uses all her Clairs (inc. see, hear, feel, smell) to bring through evidence and messages from spirit. Family members also taught her Palmistry as a teenager, and she enjoys using it to confirm what the spirit world has shown her. Kate has been reading professionally for over 10 years and sincerely loves to help people reconnect with their passed loved ones in spirit.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.

Michele K.

Mornington Peninsula

All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Oracle Cards

Michele began her journey about 30 years ago at the Spiritualist Church in Mornington and has been developing and expanding her skills ever since. Using the Mythic Tarot and various Oracle decks, in her readings, she gives a six-month forecast and aims to give you hope, direction, insights, and compassion. Past lives and Guides can also be shown to her if requested. Michele is a prolific artist having created ten Oracle card decks, and has run various workshops for the past 20 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 11am can be booked at the Festival.