TurmeriX is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. We at TurmeriX are proudly a wholefood turmeric powder and capsule product that is listed with the TGA in Australia. More importantly, TurmeriX is very unique as our ingredients are sourced from bio-dynamic farmers…..so this means from paddock to plate, there has been no chemical compounds used to create our formula. No pesticides, herbicides or fungicides and nothing bad added in, like colors, flavours and chemical preservatives and equally important, nothing good has been extracted out of it either and we are BSCG Certified offering maximum protection to athletes, professionals, military and first responders for any workplace drug testing programs. TurmeriX is the best wholefood supplement available on the market and the number One turmeric health supplement sold in Australia.
As always…………………We at TurmeriX look forward to being a part of this fabulous event.