15-17 November 2024
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Aries – Always leading the pack, you’ll want to get in when the doors open. Make sure your MBS bestie can keep up with your cracking pace and enthusiasm for discovery.

Taurus – Keep your blood sugar stable with regular snacks as you methodically explore the festival. Stroll the aisles at a leisurely pace and stop to try all the wonderful samples

Gemini – You flit like a butterfly from one stall to the next, making your phone an essential for keeping in touch with your MBS bestie, who may be lost in the next aisle.

Cancer – Feather your nest with divine homewares and nourishing food products. You’ll hone in on products and services that the whole family can enjoy.

Leo – Let your radiant heart shine from within. You love mingling with the beautiful people, and you’ll be surrounded by gorgeous like-minded souls at MBS.

Virgo – As a connoisseur of quality who takes loving care of your health, you’ll make considered and mindful decisions about what will enhance your holistic wellbeing.

Libra – Look for items that bring peace and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit. Call on the wise counsel of your MBS bestie if faced with a difficult purchasing dilemma.

Scorpio – Don’t miss one of the amazing platform medium presentations. It’s a must-do to confirm those hunches you get about visits from your departed loved ones.

Sagittarius – You love to learn through lived experiences so grab a seat at the wonderful seminars and presentations on offer and expand your horizons.

Capricorn – It’s your business to know what’s happening in the holistic marketplace so you’ll hone in on products and services that resonate with your vision board goals.

Aquarius – You love innovation and high tech, so be sure to check out the newest holistic releases and any modalities that marry science with spirit.

Pisces – Wander the aisles and be intuitively drawn to whatever catches your third eye. You’ll be in the right place at the right time to optimise your holistic wellbeing.