15-17 November 2024
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

  • Pulsed magnetic field improves blood microcirculation. Under its influence, there is an acceleration of capillary blood flow and an increase in vascular blood filling. 
  • Treatment of diseases of the joints and the spine, improves the supply of nutrients to the organs and promptly removing metabolic products, i.e. create conditions for the body in which it can actively resist disease.
  • The magnetic field is capable of increasing vascular and epithelial permeability, which means accelerating the absorption of edema and the absorption of medicinal substances.
  • The magnetic field can relieve pain. Since pain signals transmitted along nerves are electrical signals, they can be blocked using an electromagnetic field with the desired parameters.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of the magnetic field also contributes to the relief of pain syndrome, as inflammation is the main cause of pain. Exposure to PEMF can remove inflammation by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, improving microcirculation and releasing anti-inflammatory hormones into the blood.
  • Finally, the magnetic field is able to improve regeneration. Applying PEMF therapy on fractures, intensive and accelerated bone formation is possible. In the treatment of osteoarthritis, the synthesis of the cellular matrix of cartilage is activated, slowing the progression of disease. Exposure to PEMF, does not cause unpleasant sensations, or increase in temperature and skin irritation. Usually it is well tolerated even by debilitated and elderly patients suffering from a mass of concomitant diseases. Therefore, the use of magnetotherapy can be recommended even in cases where other physiotherapy is contraindicated.