15-17 November 2024
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Like all things in life, trust your intuition in deciding if you want a reading, and of course choosing a psychic reader. Think of your reason for having a reading. Even better, think of specific questions to ask. You can expect to receive clarity in understanding a person, or a situation better. Be open and receptive to receive messages.

Choose a reader who resonates with you. You can visit the MBS and choose a reader on the day, or you can research readers before you go. Look for psychic readers in the Exhibitor Directory on mbsfestival.com.au. Do further research by looking at their website and viewing testimonials.

You may have seen the psychic reader on TV or social media or heard them on radio. You may have read about them or read something by them. Consider the professionalism and behaviour of the reader. Consider any recommendations but always rely on your gut instinct / feeling. You should feel safe and respected in that space.

Chat to the reader first, so that you get a feel of whether they will be non-judgemental and give you clarity. Do not feel pressured or bullied to have a reading. When you are having your reading, let the psychic do all the work. Let them tell you what they pick up before you tell them anything about yourself or your situation.

You should feel comfortable asking any questions or changing the direction of the reading if you feel the need. Ask the psychic if they are straightforward or gentler in their approach. A good psychic will give you clarity and leave you feeling empowered. A great psychic will give you the knowledge of your own psychic tools at your disposal.

A psychic reading does not replace expert advice. This includes, but is not limited to legal, medical, and financial advice. A psychic will tune into your energy and should suggest consulting an expert if any of these come up.

When I do readings, I love empowering people in their life. I love giving them insight, which is often a different perspective that they had not considered. I provide a safe space for clients, with no judgement.  The aspect that brings me the most joy is knowing that I had a small part in their positive transformation. Remember that you always have free will and are in control of your own destiny.

Rhonda Kelly

International Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium


0435 200 390