Sisters, are you overwhelmed by life? Parenthood, work, bills and living in constant rotation that empties your cup week in and week out? Feel mentally exhausted and want to live boundless, and stress and anxiety free?


The market is filled with mindfulness, retreats, guidance, yet you still search for new ways to feel content. Other ways to fill your cup. You go out with the girls which can be uplifting or just as draining, or maybe you lock yourself in the bathroom with your beautiful scented candles and oil infused bath, but the family still knock on the door asking for you!


So where are you skipping a step?


As a woman you seek two things, validation and clarity. Partly because you carry a lot, or seek assurance because you don’t feel like you’re doing enough, being enough or good enough.


Women repeat the cycle and miss the most important ingredient to achieving a peaceful state: intently giving yourself the love you so happily give away to others. “Me-time”.


When you repeat the cycle without embodying rejuvenation, you burn out. You snap. Life becomes overwhelming and you grow increasingly stressed and impatient. The people you love then only see the agitated and unpleasant version of you, and deep down you know that’s not you or what you want for them. You want to feel happy, and enjoy quality time with them.


Divine feminine energy is emerging, calling out to all sisters to reunite into womens circles to boost each other through collective energy, balancing your inner mother, inner queen, inner priestess and inner wise woman qualities. True feminine leadership.


When you see these qualities in yourself you see it in others around you, celebrating their company, and breaking the vicious cycle of comparison that the digital age has created. You learn to focus on the good things, and realise through your own vulnerability, other women are just like you.


Women who gather into these energetically charged circles release and hold space for each sister. Exactly as you are. Exactly as you show up. Reducing your feelings of isolation, rejection or abandonment through meaningful connection, nurturing your true self and empowering you with the freedom of vulnerable expression without feedback or judgement. They see pieces of themselves in each other. That’s where the healing begins. True empowerment.


“Put down your sword sister, for I have come to hold your hand”.


Christine is a Mindset + Wellbeing Coach who embodies a holistic approach to empowering the mentally exhausted with the tools that slow the racing mind, and build a new mindset structure that reduces stress and anxiety to bounce back from life changing events. She has kindly offered the MindBodySpirit Festival community her Powerful Mindset Series e-Course to boost your mindset and wellbeing by living stress and anxiety free for only $297 (worth $747!).