15-17 November 2024
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

#1. Make your morning work for you. We are all so beautifully unique and lead different lives, so why would our morning routines look the same? Devise a routine that is practical for you!

#2. Start the night before. A day unplanned often leads us fumbling from one activity to the next and wondering where the day went. Layout those exercise clothes, put out that meditation cushion and have the smoothie ingredients ready to go.

#3. Mornings are our most productive time of the day. In the morning our cortisol is the highest so ideally, this is when you have the most energy and motivation. It’s great to use the mornings to proverbially, “eat that frog” and tackle the harder tasks first.

#4. Get inspired! Pick a selection of the following ideas to create a morning routine that gets you excited to jump out of bed;



Starting your day with a workout, stretch or a walk around the block, undeniably has its benefits, mentally and physically. Other activities could include;

  • Exercise class
  • Movement you enjoy
  • Weights
  • Foam roll
  • Movement in nature



A combination of the following will allow you to regroup, rethink and reflect;

  • Meditation
  • Gratitude
  • Visualization
  • Affirmations
  • Journaling
  • Reading



Your body is your temple so ensure you nourish it before you get your day started;

  • Tongue scrape
  • Oil pull
  • Hydrate
  • Self-massage/ dry brushing
  • Nourishing breakfast (see our balanced brekky bowl)
  • Consuming inspirational content


#5. Nourish your cells with Zestfull Bliss’ favourite Balanced Brekky Bowl


Green leaves: 1 cup



Vegetables: 1/2- 1 cup vegetables (Steam & frozen)




Sweet potato

Frozen fruit: 1/2-1 cup





Fats: 1-2 tbsp



Coconut yogurt

Protein: 1-2 tablespoons

Protein powder

LSA mix

Liquids: 1/2-1cup


Nut milk

Rice milk

Coconut milk/water


Place the liquids, greens, fats, fruit, vegetables and then the protein powder into a blender and blend on high until smooth.

* Add-ins: Cacao, Cinnamon, Ginger, Vanilla, Honey, Lemon.
* On top: Cacao nibs, muesli, puffed grains, berries, chia seeds, nut butter.


And lastly, remember to have fun with it! There’s no right or wrong way as long as you’re creating a routine that brings you joy.

This article was brought to us by ZestFull Bliss. You can visit ZestFull Bliss at the Brisbane MBS Festival 2020 at Stand C49.