15-17 November 2024
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Do you look and feel fabulous in your clothes?  Do they steal your energy or build you up and support you? You might love a piece, but does it love you?


1)    I love autumn colours, but they make me look sick, boring and older, whereas the summer palette makes me look healthy, vibrant and younger. It’s not whether you love the colour, it’s whether the colour loves you!


2)    Does the style suit your current body shape?  Are you drawing attention to your best features? Or inadvertently drawing attention to the other areas? Watch out for where the eye is drawn.


3)    More importantly, does it suit your personality? As women we play many different roles, does your clothing do the same? Are you playing dress up? Or does it have a common theme and flow throughout your wardrobe?


Have you lost your sense of style or your sense of identity? Think about are you dressing the person you are or the one you want to be?


4)    Does the item complement the other items in your wardrobe? Or will you have to buy new items to make it work? Make sure you don’t end up with a wardrobe full of incompatible items that can’t mix and match.


5)    Will you wear the item? You might love it, but maybe it’s entirely impractical for your lifestyle. Everything in your wardrobe should earn its keep, should be worn frequently, beloved, and do the job you want it to do.


6)    Does it fit you NOW? It needs to work for you now to be part of your current wardrobe. If you are on a weight loss journey simply pack the items away and re-evaluate them in a few months, don’t leave them in your wardrobe, they will just sap your energy.


If you follow these tips, you will end up with a wardrobe of clothes you love, and that brings you joy. Not only will you have a wardrobe that is coordinated, but you will look and feel fabulous.

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