14-16 February 2025
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Advice to help increase your fertility health

If you are planning on conceiving in 2020, then there are several things you can do to improve your fertility health and increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.   Here are a few of the most important things you should do:   Eat well Many studies have found that consuming a healthy and well-balanced […]

Carb cravings: Why we get them and what you can do

First thing’s first, when we talk about carb cravings, that translates to sugar cravings. They can be irresistible at times, but the good news is that there are plenty of ways to curb the cravings. So, what is happening when you crave carbs? Your body is telling you to eat sugar, but consuming sugary foods […]

Mastering your morning

#1. Make your morning work for you. We are all so beautifully unique and lead different lives, so why would our morning routines look the same? Devise a routine that is practical for you! #2. Start the night before. A day unplanned often leads us fumbling from one activity to the next and wondering where […]

Reflexology + Aromatherapy = Total Balance

Essential oils are very powerful and will be absorbed through the skin, so by using this oil in treatments, we can add to the overall therapeutic benefit. The reflexology treatment itself balances the organs, bones and muscles and the addition of the oil means that any inflammation (which incidentally leads to most disease) is treated […]

Cabot Health Recipes

Courtesy of Sydney MBS special guest Dr. Sandra Cabot, Cabot Health have provided us with some easy and healthy recipes. Fig and Walnut Overnight Oats Not only are these overnight oats delicious, they are also packed with protein and B vitamins to fuel you throughout the morning and they are made in advance so you […]

Four Essential Oils For Relieving Stress

Essential oils can be used alone or in combination with one another to help with inducing calm and peace, and to help with reducing the stress response. Here are four go-to essential oils for stress management. 1. Lavender Lavender is well known for its calming effect on the body and mind. It is commonly used […]

Reflexology and reconnection in the age of mass disconnection

Reflexologists help you get back to yourself through touch, reminding you to stop and feel. Whilst you’re in their hands you won’t be distracted by a device and most likely you’ll be invited to close your eyes and go inwards. Whilst on the subject of touch, have you noticed positive trends shifting towards “barefoot style” […]

5 reasons to add Japanese Remedial Yoga Therapy to your weekly routine

If your goal is to be healthy and happy, then you have probably realised that eating a balanced diet and getting to the gym a couple of times a week may not be enough. Remedial Yoga Therapy (RYT) is based on Japanese yoga with the ancient health philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help you […]

Cutting the Negative Cords Ritual

Words by Kerrie Erwin, extract from Clearing (Rockpool Publishing, 2019) Your auric field is your psychic defence against energetic and environmental factors. A strong, resilient auric field keeps you feeling healthy, confident, safe and nurtured. If the field is blocked or diminished by negative feelings or outside energies, this can lead to feelings of low […]

Five things that promote physical and mental wellbeing

If you are seriously considering making real change in your life this spring, and long to enjoy the many benefits of exceptional physical and mental health and wellbeing, thestillplace.com bring us the following steps to consider to look after the whole of you! Body, Mind and Spirit. Take the 5 steps that promote it: 1. […]