14-16 February 2025
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

4 Ways to Wash Your Fruits and Vegetables Properly

Do you know what’s found on the produce that you purchase at your grocery store? Fresh produce can become contaminated in many ways. During the growing phase, produce may be contaminated by animals, harmful substances in the soil or water, and poor hygiene among workers. After produce is harvested, it passes through many hands, increasing […]

Frequency Is Everything Remember Your Christ Consciousness!

There has never been a time greater than now to understand that everything is frequency and your frequency matters.  We are living in uncertain times, if we watch tv or read a news article it seems we have one disaster unfolding after another, it is mainly low frequency information being fed to us daily, so […]

Why is Hydration Essential?

Drinking enough non-alcoholic and caffeine-free liquid on a daily basis is of key importance for everybody. If you do not pay enough attention to this simple, but significant daily routine, that can turn over your fluid balance and cause a lot of medical problems. When not drinking enough, you become dehydrated. As a consequence, your […]

Could mankind ever unite as ‘One’ people and live in peace?

Never has mankind faced so many difficulties as now.   Most would consider peace to be impossible.  What if peace could come by regaining our ancient star knowledge?  If we, originally, came from a whole other universe where an enormous nuclear explosive war destroyed us all, and our own power caved into a hole deep into […]

“Me Time”: Giving yourself the love you need

Sisters, are you overwhelmed by life? Parenthood, work, bills and living in constant rotation that empties your cup week in and week out? Feel mentally exhausted and want to live boundless, and stress and anxiety free?   The market is filled with mindfulness, retreats, guidance, yet you still search for new ways to feel content. […]

How to Mother in the 21st Century

Mothering in today’s world is hard right? I have 2 daughters, one 25 and one 15 … so I’ve had the chance to compare just how different mothering is even in this small gap of ten years. Now we talk about anxiety, BPD, narcissism, body dysmorphia – many terms I hadn’t even heard of 10 […]

Human Design – Discover your Energy Blueprint

Have you heard of the new self-awareness tool where modern science meets spirituality? Human Design is an astonishing and powerful system that reveals your encoded genetic blueprint giving you the true knowledge of who you are and what you are here to live out in this lifetime. Just like we all have a unique fingerprint, […]

Being Mindfully Present

People do everything in a state of slumber. They transact business, perform daily chores, make friends, and even make enemies, all in a state of slumber! They live in this state all day long. They even practise religion in ignorance. They turn the beads of the rosary, they worship in temples, they practice vows, but […]

What is Anxiety?

Feelings of anxiousness in certain situations is normal and can help us avoid danger. Fear triggers our fight or flight response. Anxiety occurs when we have persistent worries about perceived threats, things that you think may happen. These worries are usually out of proportion to the actual real threat and get in the way of […]

Dream Journaling Tips

The Benefits of Recording Your Dreams Dreams allow our conscious and unconscious minds to connect and communicate with each other. Some believe our dreams also connect us to the collective unconscious and the spiritual realm. Looking into our dreams allows us to look into our true selves and to understand ourselves on a far deeper […]