6-8 March 2026
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Aromatherapy – Where does it stand as an alternative medicine?

What is the role of Aromatherapy? Here in Australia only a minority realise the therapeutic benefits of Aromatherapy and in many instances oils are used purely for their scent in the home or the office. Aromatherapy is the most understated form of therapy and yet its history dates back to 3,500 BC. The Egyptians used […]

Tips for overcoming emotional eating

We all have moments of emotional eating, some eat when they’re bored, some eat when they are afraid and sometimes people eat when they’re lonely or nervous. Find something other than food to cope with your feelings. The first step to overcoming emotional eating is to understand it. When you feel like getting a snack, […]

Twelve ways Magnesium can improve your overall health & wellbeing

Are you feeling stressed, tired and getting sick regularly? You may be experiencing the effects of low levels of magnesium in your system. Magnesium is one of the most common deficiencies across the country; however, many people are unaware that they have this problem. Magnesium is vital to our health as it helps to regulate […]

The truth about colour therapy

Colour Colour is simply light broken up into various wavelengths with each colour having its own wavelength. Colour Therapy is treatment by the use of colour. It has sometimes been called Chromo therapy or rarely, colourology or cromatherapy. The old saying that red is for anger, green for envy and blue for sadness etc, do […]

Recipe: Protein Parfait

Sally Matterson Protein Parfait

This delicious, nutritious parfait is packed full of protein – perfect for a post workout feast! Makes: 2 servings Time taken: 10 minutes Level of difficulty: Easy! Ingredients: ★ 300g sheep’s yoghurt or yoghurt of your choice ★ 30mL agave nectar ★ 1 tsp vanilla extract ★ 20g flaked almonds, toasted ★ 20g pumpkin seeds, toasted ★ 20g chia seeds ★ 20g […]

Journaling for Wellbeing

There are many benefits of journaling, whether it be a diary, weblog, or guided journal. It’s even regarded as a form of therapy: “expressive writing” where 15-20 minutes on 3-5 occasions can aid healing from traumatic, stressful or emotional events. Here are some benefits of journaling: Stress Relief: Write about incidents, emotions, or concerns that have […]

Remember your dreams

Remember your dreams

Did you know that we spend, on average, 26 years of our lives sleeping and it isn’t wasted time? Our dreaming mind is like an internal GPS sifting through and sorting out issues on our mind. But if we want to benefit from this night vision, how do we remember the 4 or 5 we […]

Alternative Therapy for Eczema

Common causes of Eczema Inflammation in the intestines. This is usually the primary cause because the intestines must eliminate toxins from the body and if they are “leaky” then toxins can leak back into the blood stream and must then be eliminated by the skin. Also, if the intestines are inflamed, they cannot absorb nutrients […]

Clean eating for your furry companion


The benefits of a clean diet for humans are well known but did you know that your cat or dog could also benefit from a clean diet? What is a clean diet? A clean diet consists of whole foods that are not (or are minimally) processed and which are as close to their natural state […]

7 daily practices to raise your psychic awareness

People who focus on developing their psychic awareness on a daily basis develop their abilities faster and become more spiritually aware.  This in turn increases their sense of overall well – being, confidence and self – esteem. They naturally make much wiser decisions and choices in their life by being fully aware that they can […]