The one spiritual practice that will transform your life

Most of us desire peace and happiness, if not spiritual awakening. Many traditions urge that we become the Witness, so that we can see our thoughts and feelings but know that we are not those things—we are instead the part of us that is observing those temporary states. Yet, too often, we bypass feeling, and […]
Essential oils: good enough to eat?

There is much energetic, and often angry, debate over whether or not essential oils are safe to ingest. There’s no doubt that the recommendation of ingesting essential oils is an unregulated area where the distributors of essential oils are often uneducated and even sometimes irresponsible when it comes to the ‘advice’ they give. This leaves […]
Vibrational aromatherapy

Vibrational aromatherapy is a new paradigm in vibrational medicine. It embraces the multidimensional person—a spiritual being having a human experience in order to evolve his or her consciousness and achieve enlightenment and oneness. Vibrational medicine sees human beings as networks of complex energy fields that interface with physical and cellular systems. Specialised forms of energy […]
The importance of choices: why organic cotton?

Nowadays more and more people are aware of the impact of our lifestyle and consumption choices on the planet and, therefore, look for specific products they sincerely believe are healthier and better for the environment, animals, communities and the climate. When we consider conscious consumption, one of the most popular categories of goods are the organic […]
Hope: help raise the consciousness of humanity

A minute with Dr Linet: Weekly words to help raise the consciousness of humanity. HOPE: Hope is a word that means many things to each of us. The word Hope embodies a feeling that is uplifting, when we speak the word hope, we send out with it our feelings, our inner most deepest thoughts that […]
F.E.A.R: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise?

Free Spirit founder Christina Gill’s journey of F.E.A.R: Fear. An emotion we all are faced with from time to time. Some more than others, and maybe only in certain circumstances, but sure enough we all have a fear of something. I’m not just talking physical, spiders, snakes, heights etc. I’m talking fears that go much […]
Numerology: March 2017

MARCH IS A UNIVERSAL NUMBER 4 MONTH OF URANUS March 2017 will be an electrifying and exciting month! The planet Uranus that represents the number 4 in Numerology always brings surprising, sudden, dramatic and unexpected occurrences, which will impact your personal and professional life. You’ll break down barriers of your own self-limitations and challenge your […]
Cellular recovery juice

The low-down The enzymes in raw pineapple drastically aid in cellular recovery (imperative after any kind of exercise or deep tissue body work), and supports digestion; which explains why it is one of the few juices, allopathic (Traditional Western) doctors recommend for consumption as a cellular recovery juice after any kind of surgery or other […]
Meditation: breathe in, breathe out

One of the most important things we do in life is create a pathway that connects you to your higher self. Your higher self is often described as your soul-self, your wise self, your soul consciousness or over-soul. Your higher self knows you and your path. It is your guide through life and willing to answer […]
Numerology forecast 2017

2017 is a universal number 1 year: Year of the Sun Overview: Power, authority, life and popularity are the key characteristics of the Sun. 2017 will be a year for challenges, but also full of success, especially if you are looking at re-inventing yourself. This powerful year is one for transformations, the old is finished […]