14-16 February 2025
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

10 questions you should ask when engaging in a building designer

Blessing & cleansing your home, workplace and energy.
Thoughts create energy. We have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day, this means between 35 and 48 thoughts per minute per person. That said, think about the energy we create in our homes and our workplace from these thoughts manifest where we work and live. A lot. Just as we physically clean and clear our homes daily to maintain its cleanliness. We don’t think about the energy in our space from things like negative thinking, arguments and grieving. What happens to this energy? Well, the energy in our space can build up and stop the positive flow of life force energy and chi into a space. It can impact our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It can also block our abilities to manifest blessings into our life.

Cleansing your space and creating a sacred space in your home or workplace using ritual blessings and clearings shifts out the old energy allowing new energy to flow through. The rituals raise the vibration of a space allowing you to create a positive high vibrational space for blessings, manifesting and creating. So whether you’re moving into a new home, or making an old house feel more like home, ritual blessings are perfect for any time of year, for any environment.


  • Moving into a new home
  • New Moon Manifesting
  • First New Moon of a New Year
  • Bringing a new child or baby into the home.
  • Manifesting
  • Goal Setting
  • Starting a new business
  • Exams
  • Praying
  • Meditating


  • Grieving
  • Conflict
  • Arguments
  • Releasing negative energy built up in the space
  • Feeling blocked
  • Nightmares
  • Improving relationships
  • Having someone stay or living with a person who has low energy, depression or anxiety
  • Looking for twin flame (Love of your life)
  • Bringing harmony and peace to family relationships
  • Children in conflict with siblings
  • Ghosts, negative entities trapped in space
  • Moving into a new home

    Three most important steps for ritual clearing and blessing your home or workplace:
  1. Clean and clear clutter in your space. This supports the clear flow of life force energy in and around your space.
  2. Music: Gently play music in your home or workplace to support the positive vibration.
  3. White Sage: Use to “smudge” away all unwanted energies and influences from your space. Burn in all rooms of the home when blessing or cleansing.
  4. MOST IMPORTANT: Vibrational Aromatherapy; fragrance creates an energetic pathway, almost like a superhighway of high vibrational frequency, that operates at a faster rate. We basically clear the lower energies way through purging the space. Using an essential oils diffuser or nebulizer the essential oils are diffused into your home or workplace. Old energy dissolves and a wonderful aroma with a high vibration fills space shifting the energy and taking it to a higher level of consciousness. The essential oils interact with our aura and chakras. They are inhaled deeply into the cellular body and brain clearing our own energy. Be mindful that many products on the market today use essential oils to scent candles and diffusers of low quality and hence no vibration. These are often synthetic or ‘perfume grade’. Using certified organic essential oils of therapeutic grade ensures all the natural chemical components pure and intact.


Blessing, and cleansing your home energetically as often as you clean your home can change the way that a space ‘feels’. It can heal and transform the lives of those occupying a space as they no longer need to wade through old negative energy. It alerts our spiritual guides that we are open and available and it transmutes prayers and intentions super fast tracked from a higher vibration. Your home will not only look, but feel so much better it will be a spiritual sanctuary for attracting positive energy.