14-16 February 2025
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

10 questions you should ask when engaging in a building designer

The benefits of a clean diet for humans are well known but did you know that your cat or dog could also benefit from a clean diet?

What is a clean diet?
A clean diet consists of whole foods that are not (or are minimally) processed and which are as close to their natural state as possible.  Some examples of “clean” foods are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, unrefined plant oils and some unprocessed organic meats.

Foods that consist of white flour, refined grains (such as white pasta and white bread), sugar, artificial ingredients and preservatives are not “clean” and should be avoided (or at least reduced) if you’re looking to achieve optimum health.

The same rules apply for your furry companions.

The building blocks for optimum health and disease prevention
Nutrition is the main cause of many of today’s common cat and dog diseases.  A clean, natural diet provides the building blocks for achieving optimum health and preventing disease.

If your dog or cat suffers from a health condition, whether it be digestive issues, a skin condition, anxiety, fatigue, diabetes, an inflammatory condition, a kidney problem, allergies, obesity or some other condition, the first step in healing is to adopt a clean diet.  A clean diet is also the best way to avoid disease down the track.

What does a clean diet for cats and dogs look like?
Just like humans, finding “clean” foods can be challenging (and confusing!).  The basis of a clean diet for your furry companion will consist of:

  • raw meat, bones and organs (human grade and ideally free range and / or organic)
  • raw and / or lightly steamed vegetables (pulverised to aid digestion)
  • healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, cod liver oil, tahini and flax
  • overripe fruit for dogs
  • free range and / or organic eggs

The occasional whole grain, like rolled oats, quinoa, millet and amaranth can also provide nutritional benefits.  Soaked (such as oats overnight) or sprouted grain is best to ensure the nutrients are retained.

Whilst the initial transition from a standard to a clean diet might be challenging, the end result is well worth the effort.  Generally, benefits can be seen after four weeks with the first sign almost always a thick and shiny coat.