Warrior Heart Wellbeing Services

Welcome; I’m Karen Gilles-Reid, the Proprietor of Warrior Heart Wellbeing Services. Do you want enhanced wellbeing sovereignty, creativity or grounded connection within valued relationships? My registered wellbeing approach, Warrior Heart Holistic Emotional Affiliate Limbic Solutions (Warrior Heart HEALS®) empowers just that. Here’s a related pun; therapist says to client, “seems to me you struggle to verbalise emotion”; client replies “can’t say I’m surprised.” Still here? Warrior Heart HEALS® resources include Musical Communication, Mindful Play, Multisensory Journaling as well as Multisensory Art, Relational and Somatic Resources. The resources also empower a novel, nuanced and non-denominational pathway towards establishing, or deepening a Mindfulness Meditation practice, very helpful if a little out of reach. I also sell my mindful surrealistic/naive art prints, grounded in Hakomi principles; to view some click https://www.warriorheartwellbeingservices.com.au/mission

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