Essential oils are very powerful and will be absorbed through the skin, so by using this oil in treatments, we can add to the overall therapeutic benefit. The reflexology treatment itself balances the organs, bones and muscles and the addition of the oil means that any inflammation (which incidentally leads to most disease) is treated and reduced.

This coupled with the fact that reflexology is extremely relaxing for the mind gives us a total mind-body balance which leads to a good attitude and positive thoughts. Reflexology balances the physical body and relaxes the mind to help regain positive thoughts, while certain essential oils alleviate pain and discomfort in the body. Together we end up with diminished pain physically and a relaxed positive mindset.

The combination of reflexology and aromatherapy gives total balance.

If you can reduce pain then positive mind follows, and likewise, if you have a relaxed mind you will often experience a reduction in pain.

How often do you meet someone with excruciating pain or chronic discomfort who is miserable emotionally? Likewise, how often do you meet someone who is depressed or angry who ends up feeling pain and fatigue? What we want is a positive attitude so that our feet can walk us in a positive line forward.

The longer I have been practising and treating, the more I have come to realise the impact of attitude on life. Attitude is more important than money, skills, education, life circumstances, appearances or success. If the mind is healthy, then the attitude will harmonise the physical body and mind.

We cannot change our past, nor the inevitable, and we cannot change the way people respond to us, nor our families, but we can change our own attitude.

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% our attitude to what happens to us, so work on your attitude with balance and amazing energy will flow.

Article by Michelle Brass (Zea Relief – Stand B46). See Michelle’s full presentation at the Brisbane Festival at 11am Friday, 28th February 2020 in the Seminar Room.