If your goal is to be healthy and happy, then you have probably realised that eating a balanced diet and getting to the gym a couple of times a week may not be enough.

Remedial Yoga Therapy (RYT) is based on Japanese yoga with the ancient health philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine to help you deal with all aspects of your health, fitness and wellbeing. An oriental therapy that you can do on the mat, that treats the whole-person and helps you to feel more balance and in control.

1. Clear the Busy-Brain
Do you ever get the feeling there are just too many thoughts racing around in your head and you can’t think clearly? RYT deals with the busy brain by clearing the energy in the big working muscles of your body, the gluts, quads and traps. A balanced body brings with it a clarity of mind to make the right choices, and have time for the things you love.

2. Improve your sleep
Lack of sleep can affect your weight, moods, work and play and is a major contributor to stress and anxiety issues. RYT practice can help improve your sleep with adjustments made to asanas to ensure your body knows what to do when it is time for sleep. Simple changes to the cobra asana, will calm your kidney adrenals to give you a full night sleep.

3. Balance your hormones
Working with the energy meridians (commonly known in therapies such as acupuncture) RYT is used to balance the endocrine system and assist with common issues such as menstrual cramping, premature aging and hair loss as well as fertility in both men and women.

4. Don’t bulk up, tone up
RYT includes a prescription of exercises that suit you and your body designed to bring balance by building up areas of weakness so that the overworked areas of the body can relax. This means that your body is in proportion, strong and flexible with enough energy to last you all day.

5. Core strength for Emotional Stability
In yoga terms, core strength means that your body is strong enough on the inside so that you can be flexible and happy on the outside. A flexible body will allow your mind to be more flexible and to react more appropriately to the world around you.

This article is provided to us by College of Therapy Yoga. You can visit them at Sydney’s MindBodySpirit Festival in October at Stand E49.