A Simple, Natural, Cost-free Way Verified by Physicians

With the growing awareness of holistic medicine, the possibility for healing on the spiritual path is finding increasing attention, even in professional circles.

A Natural Connection with the Life Force

A man named Bruno Groening born in Germany (1906-1959) brought a simple message: there is a higher power that is the basis of all living things and it can heal. He showed how this energy can be absorbed freely into the body, and through his teaching many people received help and healing even in cases of chronic, degenerative and serious organic diseases, ailments considered incurable as well as drug and alcohol addictions.

Today, thousands upon thousands have become and are becoming healthy through this knowledge by which they learn how to connect with the Divine energy, the ‘Heilstrom’, as Bruno Groening called it, to absorb it and simply let it work.

Numerous medically documented success reports demonstrate the current effects of his teaching. These success reports have been proven and documented within the Medical Scientific Group – a world-wide forum of independent medical doctors, psychologists and health care professionals within the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is an association of people who have experienced help and healing through taking in this largely forgotten, natural healing power.   The Circle of Friends pass on this simple teaching free of charge offering information lectures throughout the world. The teaching of Bruno Groening is financed entirely through donations and all helpers work voluntarily. The Circle of Friends is not affiliated with any religion, belief, or denomination. People from all major world religions belong to the Circle of Friends.

There are thousands of documented healing reports of Friends available in the archive of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends.  Here is one example:

Healing from Osteoporosis

Former business administrator Gertrud Fischer suffered from constant pain in her spine, in her fingers and knees for one year. In 1995, she went to the doctor, who diagnosed advanced osteoporosis. Neither therapy nor medication helped; she could only leave the house using a walking aid.

In April 1996, she learned about “Healing on the Spiritual Path.” From week to week, her condition improved, and then one day the pain was completely gone. Mrs Fischer can hike again. The doctors are faced with an enigma because there was no sign of the severe osteoporosis at her follow-up medical examination.


Written by Bruno Groening Circle of Friends

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