In our modern life, it is easy to forget to take some time out for ourselves while juggling commitments and a 9-5 job. As research shows, having a healthy mind is linked to having a healthy body and this can be gained by taking up a hobby. Here are 5 ways you can benefit from having a hobby;

1. They force you to take some time for yourself

Hobbies force you to take a break from day-to-day stresses and carve out time to devote to yourself. Not all hobbies are games – hobbies like reading, writing, designing or learning a new language can keep you productive and instil you with a sense of purpose.

2. It can provide a way to declutter your mind

While not all hobbies offer the same level of mental or physical engagement, hobbies help you practice mindfulness techniques without even realising it. Some of the more popular hobbies for decluttering your mind include meditation, knitting, sewing, painting, drawing and cooking.

3. They keep you in better physical health

Hobbies such as gardening, hiking, dancing, yoga, sports or fitness can keep us active without the feeling of an obligatory trip to the gym. Turning exercise into a hobby will have flow-on effects from increased confidence, energy levels and physical health.

4. Hobbies can open up your world

Hobbies not only satisfy a curious mind, but can also put you in touch with a completely new community of people, allowing you to broaden your experiences and your social life.

5. A hobby can boost your career

Hobbies don’t just enable you to be multi-skilled, they can also help you manage stress and think creatively at work. Certain hobbies can also bring in an additional income, maybe even turn into a small business enterprise.