What does a Tea Cup hold for your future?

Tasseomancy (also known as tasseography or tassology) is a divination or fortune telling method that interprets patterns in tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments. History Tea leaf reading began many centuries ago in Ancient China. It developed from tea drinkers interpreting the shapes that tea leaves left in the bottom of their cups, evolving in to a very favoured and accurate method […]
Wholesome honey granola

As the weather cools down, it’s important to keep your body well-nourished. Here’s a granola recipe that will keep your body primed for the chilly season. The ingredients are designed to support your immune system, but still delight your tastebuds! The key ingredients? Therapeutic Jarrah honey and bee pollen. Jarrah honey is truly food as medicine, […]
Amazing benefits of using a coffee scrub

In less than ten minutes in the shower, you can not only cleanse your skin, but you can also achieve the youthful glowing skin you deserve through an all-natural product. Coffee scrub is 100% natural with active ingredients and no chemicals. Love those benefits: ★ Exfoliating cleansing Coffee scrub, combined with mountain, sea or river […]
Freedom from Orthotics

Wouldn’t you love to be able to have the freedom from orthotics and still be pain free? How about having the freedom to wear the shoes you want, without being restricted by orthotics. Well that is achievable, because in reality most people do not need to wear orthotics. There is a natural podiatric solution. If you want to avoid wearing foot […]
Shiatsu: the mind, body, spirit connection

Shiatsu was originally developed in Japan as a bodywork therapy to promote health and wellbeing. Using the framework of oriental medicine theory, the practice works along the meridians of the body. Each Yin-Yang meridian pairing takes into consideration the five elements and as such a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect, as well as the seasons, […]
The 9 steps to healthy glowing skin

Understanding skin care is easy if we first look at the latest science of how to create and maintain healthy skin. If we protect our skin against cell damage, stimulate collagen and elastin production, create hydration, encourage circulation, cell regeneration, balance and tighten skin tissue and use the correct cleanser, we can prevent skin damage […]
The seven aspects of love

Mystics throughout the ages have experienced the inner light of love. They call it mystical union – a sense of timeless consolation transforming reality into oneness. It is an indescribable illumination, or enlightenment, of the nature of all things. This is the love that can light up our psyches so we can live our lives […]
Honouring your menstrual cycle

Honouring the miracle of the menstrual cycle is a concept that is quite foreign to most women. However the amazing ability for the feminine body to create, carry, birth and nourish new life, is bound to the beauty of our cycle. How we care for our bodies and our cycle, are more important than we […]
DIY Body Cream

Immerse yourself in the familiar wintery fragrances of frankincense, helichrysum, geranium and thyme this cold season with your own hand and body cream. Ingredients 1 ounce (30ml) vegetable oil or Shea butter 2 teaspoons vegetable derived emulsifier, such as lecithin or glyceryl stearate 10 drops (0.5ml) vitamin E oil 2 ounces (60ml) water or hydrosol, […]
Earthing: how walking barefoot could benefit your health

We all know that the sun’s energy is crucial for good health but did you know that the Earth’s energy is too? When we make direct contact with the surface of the earth our bodies receive a charge of energy that makes us feel better fast, this is called Earthing or Grounding. This energy is […]