Chai Addict granola

Chai Addict is a super-charged masala chai concentrate, made by artisan spice-masters in Melbourne from only the best and freshest ingredients. They’ve devised a process that locks in the unique taste, consistency and punch you love about chai, in an irresistibly smooth and addictive balance of flavours. This delicious recipe: Vegetarian Gluten free Sweet Ingredients: […]
The divine power of forgiveness

The media reminds us daily of the hate and animosity that exists in our world. We may even find ourselves saying: Why does it have to be like this? Why can’t people settle their differences peacefully? And yet, we ourselves may be guilty of perpetrating hate and animosity in our little piece of the world. […]
YOGA: Shifting focus, so the heart can grow

Removing ourselves from the noise of the world is a truly challenging task in the face of this fast-paced modern age where we are constantly bombarded from all angles by media, our social connections, our online and offline realms. This however, is the new reality. As we juggle the ever-shifting sands of societal trends, commitments and […]
6 benefits of asking for help

80% of women I meet tell me they feel exhausted, just living their life. If this sounds familiar I have a challenge for you. What if you lightened your load a little and heaven forbid, asked for help? Yep, that’s what I said. ASK. FOR. HELP. At home. In your business. At work. There are benefits! Six of them […]
Turmeric: What is all the fuss about?

With so much attention being drawn to turmeric, it’s likely you’ve heard something about its wonderful health benefits, or your Doctor has advised you to start taking curcumin tablets for inflammation. As can be the case, it is easy to get confused by advertising and mass messaging about what turmeric actually is, how to take it […]
Raise your vibrational frequency

5 tips for raising your vibrational frequency for success, fulfilment and abundance. How can you raise your vibrational frequency, to expand your intuition? This is an exciting topic worth exploring in more depth, but for now let’s start with these top tips you can use every day. Tip 1: Get Into Nature – immerse Yourself Nature is […]
Care for your crystals

When you start collecting gemstones, one of the things most people forget to research, is how to care for your crystals. It’s one of those things that might not cross your mind, until you’ve accidentally dissolved one of your pieces while trying to cleanse it, or cracked a stone that you’ve left in the sun. This is more common […]
Transmission meditation; a new age meditation

Toward the end of our evolutionary journey our soul brings us into meditation, specifically, Transmission Meditation. This eventually makes the journey inward to the soul automatic, gradually becoming at one with the soul, so it can manifest clearly and potently on the physical plane. There are 5 stages of meditation These stages each lead gradually into […]
4 daily practices to change your life

1) Start everyday by saying, “Universe, show me something beautiful today” and “If I were truly creating my life today, what would I choose right away?” 2) Ask, “How does it get any better than this?” whenever something good happens and whenever something bad happens. You will change the trajectory of your life to greater. […]
In pursuit of happiness

Searching for happiness is, according to Aristotle, ‘the meaning and the purpose of life; the whole aim and end of human existence’. It is the most human of goals – but one that few achieve – simply because most people don’t really know what it is they are looking for. So how exactly are we […]