14-16 February 2025
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Psychic Reading Room

Psychic Readers: What does life have in store for you? Gain insights into your love life, career, finances and relationships with the very best in tarot, clairvoyance, mediumship, astrology and more!


Standard Reading – 25 minutes: $60 inc. GST

Extended Reading – 50 minutes: $120 inc. GST (You must select 2 x consecutive timeslots)

Pre-bookings have now closed.
All other bookings will be made at the Festival and these are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. We suggest arriving early to secure your preferred booking.

Next Festival



Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

In your reading with Monica, impressions come to her in the form of images like a photo or movie (Clairvoyance), or hearing the messages (Clairaudience), or a feeling of knowing (Claircognizance). The Marseilles Tarot and Lenormand cards are also used, and she asks you to focus on your area of interest or specific questions, without telling them to her initially. Having a background in the health industry as a registered nurse, remedial massage therapist, and Reiki practitioner, Monica can, with your permission, scan your chakras to give an understanding of the potential root of your questions. She can also speak Italian or Spanish if required.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.





Psychometry, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Tarot

Natasha comes from a long line of spiritual healers who are based by the black sand beaches of Fiji. As well as her psychic gifts, she uses Psychometry and Tarot to focus your energy and as a visual aid to empower you to make clearer decisions, solve problems and to have better relationships. Natasha loves to help people to live their best life and to work through the ups and downs of life. She is also an astrologer and has been practicing professionally for 6 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.


Patricia S


Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Mediumship

Patricia is a natural born medium who makes an evidence-based connection to your passed loved ones, offering personality traits, shared memories, and communications. Having 35 years experience with the Tarot, she loves to use both modalities in your session. Patricia holds Mediumship workshops and psychic development circles, has been an evidential medium for the past 20 years, and is also an Ordained Minister with the Spiritualist Church of Canada.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Mediumship

Deborah's intention is to provide an empowering experience that is meaningful, healing, and uplifting. Before your reading starts, she asks if you would like Mediumship (connecting with your passed loved ones) or Psychic reading, or a blend of both. Using her Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, and Clairaudience for both styles, she prefers you not to offer too much information. She has undertaken extensive training over the past 10 years seeking out the best tutors from the UK. Deborah has also done public platform and readings at some of the local Brisbane Spiritualist Churches.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




Sat & Sun

Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance

Avril is originally from Scotland and developed her Mediumship in a traditional Scottish Spiritualist circle. She connects both psychically with your soul and also through Mediumship with your passed loved ones, so your reading can be Mediumship, psychic, or both. She uses all of her Clairs (inc. Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance etc) and her evidential based Mediumship goes above and beyond random snippets of information. With over 20 years of experience, Avril is certified by the Spiritualists National Union in the UK, and she also runs workshops and classes in Mediumship and Psychic Development online and in-person.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Sunshine Coast

Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Crystal Ball, Channelling

Robert began his spiritual journey in the 1970's gaining much knowledge from some of the finest mediums in the world. Moving to Australia from the U.K in 2004, he became involved with the spiritualist churches on the Sunshine Coast doing platform work. In your reading, he uses a combination of Palmistry, Tarot, Angel cards, spirit mediumship and a Crystal Ball, getting information about your path in life and how to best move forward. He has been doing readings for 35 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.


Kerry H


All Days

Clairsentience, Tarot, Psychometry, Astrology

Kerry is originally from Ireland and is from the Irish Celtic tradition. She uses a range of tools including Astrology, Psychometry, and numerous decks of cards to deliver messages from Spirit. Having done platform work at Spiritual Churches in Adelaide, messages from departed loved ones may also come through if relevant to the reading. Kerry has been a qualified Astrologer and giving psychic readings since 1996, and also runs spiritual development workshops. Her goal is to assist clients to understand the part they play in the creation of their own reality.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Gold Coast

All days

Clairvoyance, Spanish Playing Cards

Born in Bolivia, and educated in Spain and England, Juanita channels information for your reading using a traditional Spanish playing card deck as her main focal point. Crystals and colour therapy may also be used during your reading for additional messages from your sub-conscious. During the reading, she "feels" the areas of your life that need clarification. Being a natural healer, her readings help to clear any blockages that may be disrupting your life. Readings can also be done in Spanish. Juanita has been reading for over 35 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Mediumship

In your reading with Geraint, he uses the Celtic Tarot Deck, and also uses his psychic and shamanic abilities to support your soul to live an incredible life, with great success, joy and clarity of purpose. He is able to read your energy (with permission of course) to confirm what opportunities and possibilities are on offer, what might be blocking your path, and how to clear the way. In the mix of the reading, a passed loved one may pass on a message, or a particular spirit guide or animal guide may come through to share some words of wisdom. Geraint's spiritual practice is based around the teachings and lived experience of Australian Aboriginal and Celtic Shamanism, and he has over 30 years' experience as a reader and healer.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.


Rachel M


Sat & Sun

Claircognizance, Channelling, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience

From a young age Rachel could see spirits and auras around people and realised she was a bit different to everyone else. During your reading, she connects with your energy and receives images, words or symbols in her mind, and also has her own card deck of channelled words from spirit. She may also connect to a spirit wanting to pass on a message if it's relevant to the reading. As a mother of two young children, Rachel absolutely loves to help others juggle the journey of everyday life and spiritual growth, and she also has a background in classical music.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Tarot, Clairsentience, Clairaudience

Yvette uses the Tarot as a medium to guide you through life’s challenges by focusing your reading on this lifetime and making it work in the now. Her psychic impressions come to her through feeling, or through the sound of your voice and she uses the Tarot to illustrate and relate her impressions. With a practical style, her skills are best used in decision making, helping you get back on track, or for unblocking and healing psychological or emotional issues. Yvette is a Reiki Master who has also studied crystal healing, Aromatic Medicine and Kinesiology and has been reading for 25 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Astrology

T.J. is a Medium, Astrologer, and psychic who uses a combination of these tools to offer you practical and accurate information to assist in finding the clarity and guidance required at key moments in your life. He trained in mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College in London, and in Horary Astrology (answering important or direct questions) at the STA (a highly regarded astrology school). T.J. also looks at your auric field, chakras and energy fields, and all of that combined allows him to see the Architects plan of your soul, not your conscious mind. T.J. has been using his various skills for over seven years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Psychometry

During your reading with Caryn, she uses the Tarot and Psychometry (holding an object or piece of jewellery) to connect with you energetically and psychically. She likens working with the Tarot as 'looking deep into a wishing well and watching as the pictures spring to life'. Caryn shares any messages that are communicated to her by seeing, hearing, sensing or feeling, and her readings provide direction, clarity and guidance. Caryn is also a Registered Nurse and Reiki practitioner who has been reading professionally for almost 10 years and she is passionately committed to her own personal and professional development.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Gold Coast

All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Clairaudience, Clairsentience

Originally from New Zealand, Sandy has a spiritual lineage rich with healers and readers so she has always had a fascination with the esoteric. With a soft and sensitive nature, Sandy is an empath and uses the Rider-Waite Tarot along with her Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience to see and feel your issues on every level. The Australian Bush Flower Insight cards are also used which often illuminate and confirm the emotional issues present in a reading. Becoming a professional reader 30 years ago was a life-changing event and she feels blessed to witness the miracles that occur when working with Spirit on a daily basis.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Central Coast

All days

Clairsentience, Tarot

Sue first became aware of her psychic abilities at the age of 13 when she found herself in deep conversation with her deceased grandmother. Then in 1985 she joined her local Spiritual Church in England and assisted in spirit rescue, house cleansings and distant healings. During your reading, Sue feels the energy of your physical body and chakras and listens to Spirit to see, feel, and hear words, colours, even smells to help you with issues in your present life, and she also has various Tarot decks you can choose from. Sue still regularly travels between the UK and Australia sharing her psychic gift and has been practicing for over 30 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Psychometry, Oracle Cards

From an early age, Nicole started searching for answers to the meaning of life, and she discovered she had a natural affinity for many holistic therapies, especially massage. With a strong empathic nature and psychic vision, she is able to see, hear, and feel in various forms. Nicole uses psychometry (holding an object) and also can connect with passed loved ones. She brings much compassion, love and understanding to her sessions and has been reading and healing for over 15 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.


Kate D


All days

Mediumship, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Palmistry

Coming from a long line of mediums, and with her mother as her greatest teacher, Kate has been communicating with spirit since the age of five when she first started dreaming the future. She is an evidential medium who uses all her Clairs (inc. see, hear, feel, smell) to bring through evidence and messages from spirit. Family members also taught her Palmistry as a teenager, and she enjoys using it to confirm what the spirit world has shown her. Kate has been reading professionally for over 10 years and sincerely loves to help people reconnect with their passed loved ones in spirit.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Psychometry

Sarah is a second generation medium and healer who began assisting in healings, meditations and trance work when she was 13. She uses telepathic mediumship to connect with guides and loved ones who have passed over to gain insights into any areas of concern in your life. Working initially with her own guides, she is also often given pictures and knowledge of a past life which may be influencing a current situation. Sarah is Minister and Celebrant at the spiritualist church in Upper Coomera and has been practicing as a medium, reader and healer for 35 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Byron Bay

All days

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Tarot

Matthew's Life Readings are a blend of hearing (Clairaudience), seeing (Clairvoyance), and feeling (Clairsentience) Spirit, combined with Intuitive Astrology & Numerology. Your energy field is like a library to him and by accessing your birthdate and listening to the vibration of your voice, this gives Matthew a clear picture of where you are at in this moment. During your reading, you'll look at any past influences that are affecting your current situation, where you find yourself here and now, and what the next 12 months has in store for you. Matthew has been reading and healing for over 20 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Spirit Guides, Palmistry, Past Lives, Mediumship

Kalyi has had a proven psychic gift since the age of 7. Her psychic impressions come to her mostly through Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience, with her readings usually including a mixture of Palmistry, messages from your Spirit Guides, Palmistry, Psychometry, Past Lives and Mediumship. With Past Lives, she gets images of the specific past life that will help you most in your present life. Her aim is to help answer your questions in a way that guides you to choose positive directions, and she is a qualified energy healer and Psychologist that has been practicing healings and readings professionally for over 10 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Gold Coast

All days

Clairvoyance, Channelling, Tarot, Angel Cards, Crystals

Janine is a naturally born intuitive and has been doing readings, healings, spiritual counselling and hypnotherapy since 2008. Using a mix of Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, channelling, Psychometry and dream analysis, she has a variety of ways to deliver the messages you need to transform your life. A reading with Janine is always love based & helps to identify blocks or fears that are hindering your growth so you can move forward confidently towards your goals and realise the truth of who you are.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Gold Coast

All days

Clairvoyance, Psychometry, Tarot

Your reading with Dionne begins with Psychometry (holding a personal object) and then moves onto the Tarot, and pictures and messages come to her via her Clairvoyance and her guides. She always asks for validation that the messages are coming from a higher source. The uplifting vibration she gets when she sees her client receive the connection they are searching for is the reason that she continues to read. Dionne also has an affinity with animals, is an avid believer and teacher of mindfulness, and she has over 20 years' experience.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Tarot

Christina was seeing, talking with and sensing Spirit as a young girl and had her first Tarot deck at age 14. In your reading, she tunes into your energy or that of the issues or people you have concerns about and acts as a source of guidance, compassion and support. She sees her purpose as being here to touch others people's lives through empowerment and to inspire and teach others to thrive. Christina also teaches psychic development and the Tarot and has been reading professionally now for over 25 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Psychometry, Past Lives, Mediumship

Divina is a Psychic Medium and most of the information in your reading comes from spirit. She sees spirits and can talk with them, as well as seeing visions. Divina also reads from jewellery or objects (Psychometry), the Rider-Waite Tarot, as well as being able to read from photos. Along with covering all areas of your present life, past life information can also be accessed. She has been reading for over 40 years, and also runs workshops in psychic awareness.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Channelling

To start your reading, Edith tunes into her guides to bring in messages and uses the Tarot as well to open doors to the psyche. Through her Clairaudience (hearing messages) and Clairvoyance (seeing pictures in her minds eye), she can give you clarity on your path. She also receives messages from spirits of people who have passed on. Edith has known she has had this ability all her life and started to actively do this work around 15 years ago through an experience of a spirit energy in her home.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Tarot, Psychometry, Past Lives

During your reading, Linda uses the Tarot in a clear cut spread as a base and combines this with her intuition, Clairvoyance and communication with your guides to provide you with clear answers and guidance. Since the late 1970's, she has dedicated her life to being of service as a lightworker and since then she has developed her reading and healing skills by studying an extensive range of modalities. Linda feels it is a divine privilege to have worked with so many people over the years and see the healing shift that can occur as people are guided on their questions and catalysed to their highest potential.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




Sat & Sun

Clairvoyance, Tarot

Patricia has had an interest in Tarot & Astrology since a teenager, and has been reading professionally now for over 30 years. She uses the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, and her 2 favorite spreads are a 12-month spread and a horoscope spread. Any questions can be answered, and sometimes other spreads may be used, depending on the questions asked.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.


Mary M


All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Mediumship, Clairsentience

Coming from a long family lineage of psychics, Mary has always been connected to the spiritual world. Using her Clairvoyance and Clairsentience, she draws on the Tarot as a guide to give you insights, tools, and practical solutions to your questions, and she can also make connections with your passed loved ones, sometimes working with a photo or personal object if you have them. She also has extensive knowledge of astrology, numerology, and palmistry, and may call on these skills if required. Mary has been practicing professionally for 15 years and can speak Greek if required.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Mediumship, Oracle Cards

Shelley has been a medium for as long as she can remember, and has been reading cards and utilising her clairvoyance for over 20 years. Most of her psychic impressions come from mental images (Clairvoyance) and feelings (Clairsentience). She uses a variety of decks of cards, and asks the client to choose 2 decks, and this will usually focus on the present and the following 6 months. Generally Shelley also gets messages throughout the reading from passed family members or friends.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.


Kate H


All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Clairsentience, Clairaudience

Having picked up her first Tarot deck at the age of 15, Kate's journey began to unfold from there and she has experienced visions for as long as she can remember. Often in your reading, Kate will see, hear, smell and taste sensations relating to your life, your path and your state of health. After reading for thousands of clients, Kate still has a passion for helping people in a fun and caring way. She has been reading professionally for over 20 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Palmistry, Past Lives, Mediumship

Having 40 years of experience as a psychic, teacher, healer & writer, Cheryl's readings come from a deep core of love, compassion & some humour. She uses various tools including Tarot, Astrology, Palmistry & Mediumship to give you self-empowerment in your life. Cheryl has also created a process for accessing the DNA to explore Past Lives which she has been using for the past 20 years.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days

Clairsentience, Tarot, Palmistry, Mediumship

Trish uses her guides and your guides, along with other tools (Tarot, Palmistry, Mediumship) to receive messages by Clairvoyance and Clairsentience. If messages from passed loved ones come through, they come as a feeling of the physical appearance of the person and places or things they liked to do as proof of life after death, rather than as a tool for telling the future. Trish has 20 years’ experience as a professional reader and also works with Crystal Healing, Reiki and Feng Shui.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.



Gold Coast

All days

Clairvoyance, Tarot, Clairsentience

The Tarot cards are one of Elizabeth's specialties and she can also read your palms, pass on messages from passed loved ones, do psychometry (reading from photos or jewellery), or Angel Cards. She's known as a bit of a "jill of all trades". Elizabeth has been reading professionally for over 20 years and has also taught workshops in Tarot, Palmistry, Psychic Development, Meditation, Dreams, Angels, and Reiki.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.




All days


Sophia has studied the I'Ching (translated means 'The Book of Changes') for over 25 years and was introduced to the art form as a child by her father, a theologian, mystic and poet. It is one of the oldest known Oracles in the world, written by the ancient Chinese Sages around 3000 years ago. An I'Ching reading will accurately identify psychic influences in your life that are key to understanding how to successfully negotiate change in your life, especially when you're at a crossroad. Sophia's readings are dynamic, easy to understand and prescriptive and have been described as powerful, inspiring, and accurate.

Pre-bookings have now closed, sessions from 9am can be booked at the Festival.